Saturday, 18 January 2014

Make Community Resolutions

New Year’s is a time for self-improvement (Brabary January 2013 Post #31) but it’s also a time to expand those resolutions to the community around you. What can you do differently in the coming year to improve things for others?

Shop carefully – When you choose to spend your money in locally-owned businesses you’re strengthening the economy of your area. Did you know Barrie has a Farmer’s Market that’s open year-round?

Give back – If you’re new to volunteering, sign up for a one-time event to get your feet wet. You can do this at several organizations until you find one you’d like to commit to regularly. You never know what new passions and interests may emerge.

Spread the love – Whether your kids are accumulating community hours for school, or would just appreciate more time together as a family, looks for places you can all participate.

Senior’s home are often looking to match visitors with residents who don’t have family close by. Your kids can practice their reading while making a real difference to someone who might be feeling lonely.

If you or your children have artistic talents, why not put on a show or teach a class? Have a passion for food? Serve those in need at Out of the Cold or other meal programs.

Close to home – You don’t need to commit to a formal volunteer program. You or your kids can shovel a driveway for an elderly neighbour, or prepare a meal for a family who are going through a tough time right now. That kind of gesture goes so far.

Pay it forward – Buy the person behind you a coffee at the drive-thru. Purge your closet and donate those items to a local charitable organization such as Goodwill, the Diabetes Association (they’ll even pick up), Salvation Army (Barrie Bayside Mission Centre), Collier’s Closet (Collier Street United Church) or your own local church, or the Busby Centre.

Let’s bring back the community feeling. It’s so amazing how these acts can ripple through the entire community. 

Monday, 6 January 2014

New Year? New thinking!

“I’d rather have a birthday party than a funeral!” – M., an 82-year-old woman with a remarkable outlook on life.

It’s the New Year and time for a new you. Forget about resolutions and concentrate on doing things to help you feel better about you.

Exercise – Yes, we live in a cold climate, but you can still commit to getting fresh air every day, getting out for a walk, and getting moving. (If you have a dog to walk, you’re ahead of the game!)

Eating healthy, whole foods – Walk around the perimeter of the grocery store and fill your cart with fresh foods, rather than the middle aisles of packaged, processed foods.

Rethink that drink – Assess if you’re happy and comfortable with the amount of alcohol you’re drinking. How is your body coping with what you’re putting into it? What do you need more or less of?

Change it up – There is always a new fitness trend to try. While it’s great to have a routine that keeps you disciplined, it’s also good to throw something different in there. Otherwise your body gets so used to what it’s doing that it’s not as effective. Plus you can get bored and lose enthusiasm. Reenergize yourself!

Go vogue – Try a different hair do or makeup regimen. Sit yourself down at a makeup counter and ask for a new look.

Wardrobe refresh – If healthier eating and a recharged fitness routine help you to lose weight or tighten up, get your bra size reassessed. Even a small change in weight – in either direction – can impact how your bras look and feel.

Be sure to always wear clothes that feel and look good for the shape you are now. If you feel good, you look good, and you can move through your life with confidence.