Saturday, 17 May 2014

Getting Yourself Ready for Spring

Need a boost to clear away the cold weather doldrums and fully embody the spirit of spring? It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to liven up your life from the inside out.

  1. Explore the latest hot spring colours with a brightly-coloured bra or pair of Hanky Panky panties. All day long you can smile to yourself, knowing that you’re wearing spring under your clothes.
  2. Spread the love to others by flashing a colourful pair of Falke capri leggings, sunglasses or shoes, or a fun and fashionable scarf. Looking for some unique ways to tie a scarf and get a whole new look? Check out this Nordstrom video.
  3. Put on your walking shoes and head outdoors to rejuvenate your senses and experience the joys of nature. Spring isn’t just about getting out and smelling the roses, you can try a new scent yourself from your favourite fragrance store.
  4. Wake up from your hibernation by shaking up your routines so you’re forced to pay attention to what’s become automatic. Take a new route to work, brush your teeth with the opposite hand, or set a goal to have conversations with three strangers every day.
  5. Instead of plain water, add cucumber, lemon or fruit slices for added colour, flavour, and health benefits.
  6. Feeling particularly brave? Ask your hairdresser to surprise you with a new look for spring.

What will you do to boost your spirits and welcome the warm weather? 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Bring Spring into your Home

Tulipe by Shan - available at Brabary
With temperatures rising, you’re likely finding plenty of excuses to get outside – whether it’s tending to the newly thawed lawn, longer walks, or fun group sports outdoors. There are also plenty of things you can do indoors to bring in the feeling of spring. Here are a few ideas:
  • Have fun with potted plants that you can eventually move outdoors or plant in the garden. As a bonus, plants also freshen up the air inside your house.
  • Tulips are a lovely symbol of spring, as are other fresh cut flowers you can use to adorn the house.
  • Brighten up your décor with colourful accessories like throw pillows – choose pillows or fabrics to make your own.
  • Fill a vase with lemons or green apples. For more ideas on how to bring spring’s hottest colours into your kitchen, check out these countertop accessory ideas from the Marilyn Denis Show.
  • Let spring greet you and your visitors right at the front door. Put together or purchase a spring-themed wreath or go one step further and paint your front door in a nice bright colour.
Don’t forget about Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 11th. A beautiful flowering tree will help Mom bring spring indoors as well, and a Brabary gift certificate will give her the chance to look and feel her best with the help of a professional fitting and consultation. Mothers give so much and put everyone’s needs before their own – let’s give back to Mom!